Star Wars Nails!

Hello my little raindrops! I was watching one of my top favorite science fiction movies the other day, Star Wars (queue epic music)! So it gave me the idea that maybe I should do a nail design based on the movie.

So here it is…ta-da!


My Startrooper Army!

As you can see, I decided to choose a storm trooper because it looked like an easier concept. I mainly used white and black nail polish, with a special brush to do the design. I hope you enjoy this design and maybe even try it yourself.

Until next time. May the force be with you!




New Introduction!


Nihao (你好)! My name is Lisa. I was born in China, moved to the states when I was 10. I’m bilingual. I love doing nail arts (stereotype I know). Love video games, movies, fashion and cooking. Oh! Most importantly, I have a crazy, awesome and fun husband named Tony, yeah…that Tony.

This is what you can expect from me:

  • Geeky Nail Art
  • Horror movie review (Old and new, maybe even foreign)
  • Occasionally a Point-and-Click Adventure game
  • Cooking tips and possible recipes

I’m looking forward to sharing with everyone. Ta ta! ^_^